expenditure accounting的意思

美 / ɪkˈspendətʃə əˈkaʊntɪŋ / 英 / ɪkˈspɛndətʃɚ əˈkaʊntɪŋ /


expenditure accounting的用法讲解

Expenditure accounting(支出会计)是指企业对支出进行统计和记录的一种会计方法。它可用于管理企业内部资金流动和分析企业日常支出,以便更好地控制财务成本。

Expenditure accounting的基本步骤包括收支主体的确定、收支事项的选择和核算、分析和汇总等等。首先,会计人员应确定收支发生的主体,根据主体进行支出发生的记录,并将其分类归类。然后,将各类支出数额登记在财务会计账簿中,进行检验核实,并做出相应的财务报表。

此外,Expenditure accounting还可以应用于分析企业支出的市场变化和趋势,从而更好地开展成本控制,改善企业操作效率,提高竞争力。

因此,Expenditure accounting在企业内部财务管理中发挥着重要作用,是会计经理和会计人员必不可少的一种工具。只有深入理解并掌握Expenditure accounting的基本原理和方法,才能有效地分析和处理企业内部财务事务,更好地实现财务管理的目标。

expenditure accounting的短语

1、 accounting expenditure cost 计算支出费用

2、 expenditure recognition accounting rule 支出确认会计规则

expenditure accounting的例句

Revenue and expenditure accounting system cannot meet the needs of developing college financial administration.



We mainly use production approach and income approach, also develop expenditure accounting approach.

以生产法和收入法为主, 也开展支出法核算.


Cashiers may not concurrently hold responsibility for checking accounts, keeping accounting files and casting accounts of revenue, expenditure, credits or debits.


Similarly, the shift from capital expenditure to operational expenditure enables more precise billing and metering models that meet accounting requirements based on department usage.


We mainly use production approach and income approach, also develop expenditure accounting approach.
