experimental design procedure的意思

美 / iksˌperiˈmentəl diˈzain prəˈsi:dʒə / 英 / ɪkˌspɛrəˈmɛntl dɪˈzaɪn prəˈsidʒɚ /

[计] 实验设计过程

experimental design procedure的例句

A sequential experimental design procedure was applied to optimize parameter estimation for adsorption isotherm of n -decane on 5A molecular sieves.


Chapter Two specifies the design of this research and the experimental procedure.


The system USES TMS320LF2407 as major control chip, introduces system main scheme design, hardware design, software design, and gives detail experimental procedure and analysis of experimental data.

文章提出采用TMS320 LF 2407为主控芯片,介绍了系统总体方案设计、硬件设计、软件设计、并给出了详细的实验步骤和实验数据分析。