export tax rebate system的意思

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export tax rebate system的网络释义

出口退税机制 ... export tax rebate 出口退税 ; 出口退税制度 ; 出口税回扣 ; 出口退免税 export tax rebate system 出口退税机制 Parenthood Tax Rebate 家长缴税回扣 ...

export tax rebate system的短语

1、 The export tax rebate system 出口退税制

export tax rebate system的例句

As China's export policy adjustment methods of tariff and export tax rebate system, etc.


The export tax rebate system is an export tax incentive, because it encourages the export of goods fair competition, which has been the prevailing international practice.


In view of the export tax rebate system in the theoretical controversy and confusion in practice, analysis of China's export tax rebate system is indeed of great significance.


This article concludes that China's export tax rebate system problems, some of the issues involved for the above, put forward a sound policy recommendations for China's export tax rebate.


The main problem on the export rebate system of our current agricultural products is a severe tax drain of agricultural products; a low export rebate rate for agricultural products.


And considering the theory of export tax rebate and international experience, this paper try to find out a solution to solve problems existing in current system of export tax rebate.
