face image recognition的意思

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face image recognition的网络释义

人脸图像识别 ... Face Expression Recognition 脸表情识别 face image recognition 人脸图像识别 Face geometry recognition 脸部 ...

face image recognition的短语

1、 RBFNN the Face Image Recognition 一种基于改进径向基神经网络的人脸图像识别方法

2、 General face image recognition system 通用人脸图象识别系统

face image recognition的例句

Based on the model of color image, color face image was recognized as a template for processing, and singular value vector was firstly applied to color face recognition.


The feature of skin color is an important feature of human being, which plays a key role in human face detection and recognition, objectionable image filtering based on content, etc.


Knowledge about digital image processing and pattern recognition is applied to do image preprocessing and face recognition about video image sequences.


The main work in this paper include: side face image detection, side face feature extraction and side face recognition and so on.


It finds applications in various areas, such as face detection, face recognition, gesture recognition, expression recognition, face image compression and reconstruction, and face cartoon.


The experimental results show that, the algorithm can be run well on face image classification and recognition comparing with other algorithms.
