feel doubt about的意思

美 / / 英 / /


feel doubt about的网络释义

怀疑 ) guess or suppose; feel doubt about 怀疑;猜测 (n.) sb.

猜测 ) guess or suppose; feel doubt about 怀疑;猜测 (n.) sb.

feel doubt about的例句

People sometimes doubt about achieving the rhetorical effect of hyperbole because they feel they might be misunderstood as telling lies.


Feel doubt about something; mistrust.


Living in he city, you may feel at loss about your hurried life, or doubt whether you were nervous and depressed about your work.


I have no doubt about how I feel.


The energy of the hundreds of kids made me feel younger for a while, so educated, so polite and so warm that I had no doubt about the future generations of Quzhou people.


Should you have any doubt about the plan, please feel free to contact us at any time...
