fill into的意思

美 / / 英 / /


fill into的网络释义

填入 ... fill in 填充,填写;临时代替 fill into 填入 fill out 填好,填写 ...

fill into的短语

1、 fill into capsules 填充胶囊

2、 fill up into flocs 疏水絮团

fill into的例句

Like something from a spy novel, a covert line of communication was set up, and after several false starts we flew into Thailand to fill our cameras with holiday shots for our "cover story".


I tend to fill my calendar to the brim as I struggle to fit family, career and friendships into my life.


Often, it's best to start with the scenarios, develop them into a formal workflow definition, and then fill in the other details.


We drove the five girls to a police station to fill out paperwork so that they could move into shelters and receive schooling or vocational training.


First, make the preprinted parts of the forms into tags; second, make the parts you fill in into data elements; and third, change things like units into attributes.


This includes what and how to model (using your DSL) and also how to generate code and how to use the programming model (how to fill in the implementation code into the generated skeletons).
