folk culture的意思

美 / fəuk ˈkʌltʃə / 英 / fok ˈkʌltʃɚ /


folk culture的用法讲解


Folk culture is the culture of everyday life which expresses the lifestyle of people by transmitting their knowledge, beliefs, values and customs from generation to generation. It is an important element of a country's cultural identity and a cornerstone of humanity's overall cultural heritage.

The phrase “folk culture” can be used to refer to the way of life of a particular group of people, such as a tribe, an ethnic population, a region or a nation. It can also refer to a culture that is shared by a large population, such as the culture of a country. It generally involves activities such as language, music, art, beliefs, rituals, customs and traditional crafts.

Folk cultures are often seen as being more authentic and less influenced by external forces. They are also more likely to remain unchanged over time as they are passed down from generation to generation. Folk culture is also important for sustaining a sense of community and identity, which helps to connect people to their past, present and future.

Folk culture is often used in academic research and it is also the subject of various cultural activities. In the world of art, folk culture often provides the basis for artistic expression and is frequently used as a source of inspiration. In education, folk culture can be used to teach students about a particular culture, its beliefs and customs as well as its history.

In addition, folk culture also provides an important opportunity for people to celebrate and express their identity. For example, festivals which feature traditional customs are often a great way for people to reconnect with their culture and show respect to their ancestors. It is also a great way to learn more about a particular culture, and to experience it firsthand.

All in all, folk culture is an important element of any culture and provides people with an opportunity to connect with their past. It is a living tradition that contributes to a sense of identity, community and belonging.


folk culture的短语

1、 Folk Culture Village 民俗文化村,民族文化村

2、 China Folk Culture Villages 族文化村

3、 China folk culture village 中国民俗文明村,中华民俗村

4、 national and folk culture 民族民间文化

5、 common folk culture 共同的民俗文化

6、 Kinmen Folk Culture Village 金门民俗文化村

7、 Fund for Folk Culture 文化基金,民俗文化基金

8、 Chinese Folk Culture Village 中国民族文化村

9、 Folk Culture of China 中国民俗文化