for one thing的意思

美 / fɔ: wʌn θiŋ / 英 / fɔr wʌn θɪŋ /

首先, 一则

for one thing的用法讲解

for one thing是个常用的习语,该习语的含义是“首先”,表示一件事情在其他事情之前或者在某种背景下具有重要意义,可用于帮助开始说明或者重申某件事情。for one thing可以用于句首或者句中,以下是for one thing在句子中的一些用法示例:

一、 在句首

For one thing, I don't think we can make the deadline.


We can't make the deadline for one thing.

二、 与And 或But结合

For one thing, I don't think we can make the deadline, and for another, I don't think the budget is realistic.

三、 与其他的副词结合

For one thing, I don't think we can make the deadline, particularly given the current circumstances.

四、 与表示时间的介词结合

For one thing, I don't think we can make the deadline, at least not within the next two weeks.

总结:for one thing表示首先,常用于句首、句中以及与And、But、副词及介词结合使用,用于帮助开始说明或者重申某件事情。

for one thing的短语

1、 best known for one thing 最知名的一件事,最为人熟知的一件事,最出名的一件事

2、 for one thing for another 首先其次

3、 I for one thing 首先

4、 Except For One Thing 除一件事

5、 There's one thing for sure 有一件事是肯定的

6、 for r one thing 首先,一则

7、 substitute one thing for another 李代桃僵

8、 For I know one thing 我只知道,我只明白,因为我只知道

9、 that's one thing for sure 但一件事是肯定的

for one thing的例句

Too cold, for one thing.


She was unable to sell it, because for one thing its size was awkward.



This story is unsuitable. For one thing it's too long, for another it's too dull.

这篇故事不合适, 一则太长, 二则太乏味.


For one thing, transport.


Astronomy served many purposes. For one thing, it was needed to keep a calendar.

天文学有许多用处, 其一是要用它来算出历书.


For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up.


You get a low mark, for one thing, because you did not do your homework.

你得到低分, 原因之一是因为你不做作业.


For one thing the personality of his patient made It'singular.

