for that matter的意思

美 / fɔ: ðæt ˈmætə / 英 / fɔr ðæt ˈmætɚ /


for that matter的用法讲解

英语单词for that matter的用法讲解

“For that matter” 是英语里经常使用的一个短语,它的意思是“就某件事而言,更不用说”,表示更加强调语气,经常用来比较和对比不同的情况,特别是针对一些特定的话题。

一般情况下,“for that matter”可以跟介词短语、形容词、副词,甚至是句子来构成复合句,来表达相关的概念。另外,这个短语也可以单独使用,但要求它后面必须有“,”或者“;”,以防止突然的改变句子的语气和语法结构。

下面来看一些“for that matter”的具体用法:

(1)For that matter, why not try something different?

(2)He doesn't like children, or for that matter, animals.

(3)I'm not a good cook, or for that matter, a bad one either.

(4)He is a talented artist and, for that matter, a successful businessman.

以上就是“for that matter”的用法讲解,它可以起到强调语气的作用,特别是当我们想要表示更加深刻的意思时,这一短语可以帮助我们实现这一目的。

for that matter的短语

1、 Trouble for that matter 为此事烦恼

2、 As For That Matter 至于那件事

3、 And For That Matter 但就此而论

4、 for the matter of that 翻译,就此而言,至于那个

for that matter的例句

He doesn't trust his partner. For that matter I can't blame him.

他不相信他的伙伴, 对此我不能责备他.


For that matter, the facial hairs he chops off were produced by other cells.

就此而言, 他剃掉的脸上的毫毛是由别的细胞生产出来的.


For that matter I don't care either.



Do not suck your thumb - or anybody else's, for that matter.

别吸你的大姆指-当然, 也别去吸别人的.


Or mold the bronze into anything else of value for that matter.


When it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs.


Sadat quite simply did not like Hussein, or royalty for that matter.

萨达特压根儿不喜欢候赛因, 或者就此而言,不喜欢王权.


I didn't like it much. Nor did the kids, for that matter.
