for the sake的意思

美 / fɔ: ðə seik / 英 / fɔr ði sek /


for the sake的用法讲解

英语单词for the sake的用法讲解

for the sake的意思是“为了……的利益,缘故”,是一个常用的习语,是指牺牲某件事物为了某个更大的利益而做出的努力。这个习语可以引申为为了某个人的利益,或者是为了使事情变得更好。

for the sake的用法主要有以下几种:

1. for the sake of + n.:表示“为了……的利益,缘故”。例如:

For the sake of our country, we must be united.


2. for the sake of + doing:表示“为了……而做这件事”。例如:

I had to work hard for the sake of getting good grades.


3. for someone's sake:表示“为了某人的利益”。例如:

For your sake, I will try my best to help you.


4. for sb's own sake:表示“为了某人的利益”。例如:

You should take good care of yourself for your own sake.


总之,for the sake这个习语可以表达“为了某人的利益”或“为了某件事物的利益”而做出努力的想法,因此我们应当在生活中多用这个习语,为了自己和他人的利益而努力。

for the sake的短语

1、 for the sake of 为了,的好处,起见,由于

2、 for the sake of relaxation 为了达到放松的目的

3、 For The Sake of Children 点点滴滴为孩子

4、 For the Sake of Love 为了爱,因为有爱

5、 For the sake of others 其他人的缘故,为其他,为他人着想

6、 For the sake of oneself 自己的缘故,为了自己,对于为了自身的

7、 For the Sake of Beauty 凤凰牡丹

8、 For the Sake of Revenge 唱片名

for the sake的例句

To forsake good for the sake of gold is not for me.



We can't risk big things for the sake of small ones.



They stayed together for the sake of the children.


She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids.



They were always ready to go through fire and water for the sake of the friends.



She gave up smoking for the sake of her health.


And yet is It'simply for the sake of loving one's native place?

但是仅仅为了爱故乡 么 ?

汉英文学 - 现代散文

Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.
