formal education的意思

美 / ˈfɔ:məl ˌedju:ˈkeiʃən / 英 / ˈfɔrməl ˌɛdʒəˈkeʃən /


formal education的用法讲解

Formal education refers to the structured schooling and learning system, which typically takes place within an educational institution. It is the type of education most people receive and it may include anything from preschool to post-graduate studies. It is often seen as the “traditional” way of learning.


Formal education is government-regulated and consists of formal courses of study, divided into different levels of difficulty. Each level may include a certain amount of coursework, credit hours, and exams. Students who complete all levels of formal education may receive certification of completion or a degree.


Examples of formal education include preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and post-graduate studies. In some countries, formal education may also include vocational training.


Formal education is important because it provides students with a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary for success. It also teaches students values and helps them to be more mature, responsible citizens. Furthermore, it can open up many doors to career opportunities.


formal education的短语

1、 Formal education programs 正规教育计划,正规教育项目,正规

2、 non-formal education 非正规教育,非正式教育,非常规教育硕士,非学历教育

3、 based on formal education 学院的,学术的

4、 a formal education 正规的教育

5、 begin formal education 开始正规教育

6、 Formal education or equivalent 教育背景

7、 Formal education program 正规教育计划

8、 no formal education 没正式上学

formal education的例句

Have you had any formal education in creative writing?

你接受过创造性写作的正式培训 吗 ?


Scientific research and formal education are needed to understand complex systems.



Post - acceleration, the rate of memory decline was increased by 0.10 points per year foradditional formal education.

后加速期,每多接受1年正规教育, 记忆力下降速率增加0.10.


This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of self - fulfillment.

这种智力观断定正规教育和优秀的书本知识是衡量 自我 实现的真正标准.


The child has received formal education over an extended period.



Formal education is certainly not the only source of knowledge - based human capital.

