former husband的意思

美 / ˈfɔ:mə ˈhʌzbənd / 英 / ˈfɔrmɚ ˈhʌzbənd /


former husband的用法讲解

Former husband是指曾经的丈夫,在英语中它可以由两个单词former和husband构成,其中former表示过去的,husband表示丈夫的意思。文中使用的时候,former husband要写在句子的前面,并且两个单词中间有一个空格。


1. They divorced last year, so now she refers to him as her former husband.

2. She is still in contact with her former husband despite their divorce.

3. My former husband lives in the same town as me, so we often see each other.

former husband的短语

1、 Seeing Her Former Husband 一看到她前夫

former husband的例句

The woman hated her former husband.


My wife's cousin is engaged to her former husband.


When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.

夫妇双方在婚姻破裂后, 往往会争夺子女.


She remarry her former husband ten year after their divorce.


When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over their children.

夫妻离婚后, 常常为争夺孩子而吵架.
