free and easy的意思

美 / fri: ænd ˈi:zi / 英 / fri ənd ˈizi /

adj. 无拘无束的;过分随便的;马虎的

n. 欢宴;酒店

free and easy的用法讲解

Free and easy做形容词时,可指行事从容不迫、从容自在的,常用来形容某人的态度,如:He has a free and easy attitude. 他的态度从容不迫。

Free and easy也常用来形容某事的状态,常用来形容某事轻松、熟练,无任何困难或纠缠的,如:The machine works free and easy. 机器运转得十分轻松。

Free and easy还可用来形容生活或休闲活动的娱乐性。如:The tour combines sightseeing with free and easy activities. 旅行中既有观光也有休闲活动。

综上所述,Free and easy 一词可用来形容某人的态度、某事的状态以及休闲娱乐活动等。

free and easy的短语

1、 Free and Easy Package 自助旅游,半自助之旅游方式

2、 free and easy carriage 悠然自得的风度,举止潇洒自如

3、 live free and easy point 生活在自由和方便地点,活洒脱点,生活轻松点

4、 Free and easy to pretend 假装洒脱

5、 It's free and easy 它的洒脱

6、 be free and easy 自由散漫

7、 free-and-easy 下流音乐厅,朋友相聚

8、 Free and Easy Wandering 逍遥游

9、 pm Free and easy 自由活动

free and easy的例句

After supper the members enjoyed themselves with a free and easy concert.



Your school sounds more free and easy than ours.



You feel very free and easy and comfortable on a raft.



Into such an assembly of the free and easy Kanouri the traveller entered.



We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained.

跟他在一起很随便, 一点儿也不拘束.


Carefully in this role, free and easy to live life credo.

这个角色以认真仔细, 洒脱地生活为人生信条.
