
美 / ˈfriːdəm / 英 / ˈfriːdəm /

n. 自由权,自主权;(状态)自由,自主;行动自由(指不在狱中);摆脱,免受;自由使用权;<英>荣誉市民称号;<古>(讲话,行为)过分亲密,放肆;直率,坦率

【名】 (Freedom)(英)弗里德姆(人名)

高中 / CET4 / CET6 考研

复数 freedoms



Freedom means \"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.\" The meaning of the term differs depending on the context, but it is a fundamental and universal concept.

Freedom can be found in various forms, such as freedom of speech and expression, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, and freedom of religion. Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without fear of reprisal. Freedom of choice is the ability to make one's own decisions without being influenced by outside forces. Freedom of movement is the right to move around freely, without restrictions from governments or other organizations. Finally, freedom of religion is the right to practice any religion without interference from the state.

These freedoms are protected by law in many countries, although the degree to which they are respected varies from place to place. Furthermore, some countries have laws that limit freedom, such as restrictions on press freedom or on the number of people allowed to gather in a public place.

In summary, freedom is a fundamental concept that is found in many forms. It is an important right that is protected by law in many countries but can be compromised in some places.


1、 freedom of speech 言论自由

2、 freedom from 免于

3、 degrees of freedom 自由度

4、 degree of freedom 自由度

5、 personal freedom 人身自由

6、 freedom of expression 言论自由;表达自由

7、 individual freedom 个人自由

8、 academic freedom n. 学术自由

9、 freedom of information 信息自由

10、 economic freedom 经济自由

11、 freedom of the press 新闻自由;出版自由

12、 freedom of religion 宗教自由

13、 press freedom 新闻自由;出版自由

14、 freedom of movement 迁徙自由

15、 with freedom adv. 自由地

16、 absolute freedom 绝对自由

17、 political freedom 政治自由

18、 freedom of association 结社自由

19、 freedom from want 免于匮乏的自由

20、 freedom day (美)自由日


Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown.



They asked for academic freedom.



He burbles on about freedom.



At last they won their freedom.



freedom from fear/pain/hunger, etc.



In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle for freedom.



freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship

言论 / 思想 / 表达 / 信仰自由


She savoured her newfound freedom.

