freezing and thawing的意思

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freezing and thawing的网络释义

冻融破碎法 冻融破碎法(freezing and thawing) 将细胞放在低温下冷冻(约-15℃),然后在室温中融化,反复多次而达到破壁作用。

冻融作用 冻融作用(Freezing and Thawing) 混凝土处在冻融条件下之抵抗能力,是决定其在寒冷气候应用的关键因 63 素。

freezing and thawing的短语

1、 freezing and thawing test 冻融试验 ; 冻结融解试验 ; 冻结和解冻试验 ; 冷凝

2、 freezing and thawing cycle 冻融周期

3、 resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性 ; 抗洞融性 ; 化工装置

freezing and thawing的例句

The characteristic curves of soil freezing and thawing reflect the strength, thermal properties and water and solute transport regularity.


“It’s remarkably stable with freezing and thawing, ” he said.


RPC has the ability of freezing and thawing resistance in liquid nitrogen.


The slip of reinforcement corresponding to the ultimate bond strength changes slightly up to 15 freezing and thawing cycles and greatly more than 15 cycles.


They show a surface broken into polygonal slabs by repeated freezing and thawing of the sort that happens above permafrost.


The damage propagation of rock under the freezing and thawing condition is a new direction of rock damage mechanics.
