friendly fire的意思

美 / ˈfrendli ˈfaiə / 英 / ˈfrɛndli faɪr /


friendly fire的用法讲解

英文 friendly fire 指挥官或士兵误操作造成部队成员互相攻击或误操作引发的局部战斗。

Friendly fire (also known as fratricide or friendly fire incident) typically refers to an instance of a commander or soldier mistakenly attacking his own forces or accidentally causing a localized conflict due to improper operation.


The damage caused by friendly fire, as opposed to a direct act of aggression, is often unavoidable. The consequences of a friendly unit’s accidental self-operation can be severe, and sometimes result in a team losing its offensive capability or exposing its position.


In addition, friendly fire damage can also affect morale and cause soldiers to retreat from the battlefield.


To prevent friendly fire, a number of management measures have been taken by the military, including effective command, organization, and military training; in addition, relevant technical systems can also address the issue of friendly fire such as weapon recognition systems, multi-location systems, or GPS avoidance systems.


Friendly fire is not only a complex phenomenon in military conflicts, but can also be applied to other fields such as economic competition. For example, in a competitive market, some companies can engage in attacking each other, grabbing customers from other businesses, which is also regarded as friendly fire.


In conclusion, friendly fire means improper operations and can cause serious consequences. The troops should try to avoid friendly fire as much as possible when performing tasks in order to avoid damaging our combat effectiveness.

friendly fire的短语

1、 friendly fire incident 友军火力误伤事件

2、 Friendly Fire TaD 友善之火塔防,友善之火守城,友善之火

3、 Friendly fire damage 友军伤害

4、 As a friendly fire 算你走火

5、 Friendly Fire Scale 队友伤害值

6、 Friendly Fire Recordings 出版者

7、 Friendly-fire 同一伺服器内

8、 T Friendly Fire 流行舞曲

friendly fire的例句

The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.



Shots may be fired , and any sudden movements may draw terrorist or friendly fire.



The corners are bent on my Friendly Fire, and someone stole my Wolf Blitzer.

角落里是我最喜欢的友情之火, 还有有人偷了我的闪电般的狼.


He was accidentally killed by friendly fire.



The only thing more accu ? rate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.



Two US Marines were killed by friendly fire today.

