from the midst of的意思

美 / / 英 / /


from the midst of的网络释义

出自…之中 ... first, midst, and last 始终,一贯;彻头彻尾 from the midst of 出自…之中,从…当中 in our (their, your) midst 在我们(他们,你们)当中 ...

from the midst of的例句

From the midst of the throng stepped an old woman.


A recently published study of online research habits, conducted by scholars from University College London, suggests that we may well be in the midst of a sea change in the way we read and think.


And shalt separate them from the midst of the children of Israel, to be mine.


A little over four years ago, as I was preparing to graduate from high school, I was in the midst of making a life-altering decision.


The structure will be visible from space, a hulking shell of steel in the midst of a landscape of industrial devastation.


For example, Mark Hurd's resignation from his position as CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) last August happened in the midst of a larger management problem.

比如,去年八月份,马克·赫德便是在一次较为严重的管理层危机中辞去惠普公司(Hewlett - Packard) CEO职位的。