gap of expectation的意思

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gap of expectation的网络释义

落差 ... auditing expectation gap 审计期望差 consumer expectation-management perception gap 之间的差距 gap of expectation 落差 ...

gap of expectation的短语

1、 expectation gap of audit 审计期望差距

gap of expectation的例句

There exists a gap between the employment expectation and the employment reality of undergraduates which is influenced by the structural, scraped and selected unemployment.


However, during the procedure of teaching practice in senior high school, there is a great gap between the expectation from the modern teaching technique and the current situation.


This article's structure arrangement is as follows: the first part: the summary of the audit expectation gap.


We firstly estimate the inflation expectations and potential output, and then we describe the dynamics of Phillips curve based on the inflation expectation error and output gap.


Guilt is a kind of emotion, and which is evoked by the gap between expectation and reality.


Few have witnessed events so close up, and with so intimate a knowledge of the gap between (Iraqi) reality and (American) expectation.
