gift of the gab的意思

美 / / 英 / /


gift of the gab的网络释义

能说会道 ... “Tell”的意思你知道几个 Gift of the Gab 能说会道 Camden 卡姆登 ...

口才 ... gift n.天赋,才能,天资 gift of the gab口才 quite adv.相当,十分,颇;或多或少地 ...

出版者 ... 表演者: Gabby Young & Other Animals 出版者: Gift Of The Gab 介质: CD ...

gift of the gab的短语

1、 the gift of the gab 会说 ; 口齿伶俐 ; 口才

2、 the gift of gab 口才

3、 a gift of the gab 口才

gift of the gab的例句

I have the gift of gab, so I'd make a good salesperson.


Yet not the least of his talents is the gift of the gab – in five languages.


While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab, Gemini are notoriously bad listeners.


They say he has the gift of gab, and that's exactly what is needed in a good salesperson.


Is red and sweet watermelon, cucumber is the gift of the gab, was born Shouting frogs, reading text messages is being stupid!


Our president certainly has the gift of gab. He can give a talk freely for a long time without any reference.
