go for a ride的意思

美 / / 英 / /


go for a ride的网络释义

乘车外出 ... go broke 破产;身无分文 go for a ride 乘车外出 go Dutch 各付各的4、go ahead 向前进;继续下去Go ahead, please. 请继续向前进。 ...

去乘 ... once upon a time (常用作讲故事的开头语)从前 go for a ride 去乘(骑….) pick up 捡起 ...

去兜风 ... dance跳舞 go for a ride去兜风 women女人 ...

乘车出去兜风 防止一切损失 go for a ride » 乘车出去兜风; 兜兜风 not dad » 没有爸爸 ..

go for a ride的短语

1、 go for a ride detail 乘车外出

2、 go for a bike ride 骑车兜兜风 ; 骑自行车兜风 ; 出去骑自行车

3、 To go for a ride 去兜风

go for a ride的例句

Shall we go for a ride in the car?


One day, one of the older boys sees Tommy and calls out, "Hey kid. Do you want go for a ride?"


Lets go for a ride.


Would you like to go for a ride with me?


You can knit a sweater by the fireside. Sunday mornings go for a ride.


The bolts were screwed in and a pink baby swing gets hooked up whenever our little angel Avery wants to go for a ride.
