
美 / ˈɡrɑːslænd / 英 / ˈɡræslænd /

n. 草原,牧场,草地


复数 grasslands


Grassland is a term used to describe a type of land which is covered in grass, herbs, and other low-growing vegetation. This type of land is usually found in temperate and tropical regions, where there is enough rainfall to support the growth of grasses.

Grassland can also be found in areas which have been cleared of forests, but in that case, it is usually referred to as pasture, meadow, or prairie. The soil type in grassland is usually composed of silt, clay, and sand, which provides the ideal environment for grasses to thrive.

Grasslands are extremely important ecosystems, with many species of plants and animals relying on the habitat for their food and shelter. The types of animals which live in grasslands vary greatly depending on the region, but some of the most common are gazelles, antelopes, zebras, wildebeests, and other grazing animals. Many types of birds also live in grasslands, including hawks, eagles, and vultures.

Grasslands are also extremely important to humans, as they are one of the few types of land which can be used for the production of food. In many parts of the world, grasslands are used for grazing animals, and the grasses which grow in them are harvested for fodder. Additionally, grasslands are used for many recreational activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, and camping.

In conclusion, grasslands are an important type of land which support a variety of flora and fauna, as well as being useful to humans for food production and recreation.


1、 Grassland ecosystems 草地生态系统,草原生态系统

2、 grassland science 草业科学,草原学,草地学

3、 The Hulunbeir Grassland 呼伦贝尔大草原,贝尔大草原

4、 temperate grassland 温带草原

5、 natural grassland 天然草原,天然草地

6、 Homes in the Grassland 草原人家

7、 Yurt in Mongolia Grassland 蒙古包


One day a demon chief called Mang Gusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland.



...areas of open grassland.



After days of walking on, the grassland changed into a road.

经过多天的践踏, 草地变成一条路.


The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivalled.



Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.


Cows were roaming the grassland.


In the distance is a stretch of grassland.


The snake was coiled up on the grassland.

