grow away from的意思

美 / ɡrəu əˈwei frɔm / 英 / ɡro əˈwe frʌm /


grow away from的用法讲解

英语单词grow away from的用法讲解

Grow away from是一个习惯用语,意思是往远处发展、疏远、分离。它是一个固定搭配,相对应的意思是grow close to、grow nearer to、grow apart from。

Grow away from表示某事物逐渐疏离,一般用于叙述两者之间的关系变化,如果是某种感情变化,也可以说grow apart。


1. The two sisters used to be very close, but they gradually grew away from each other.

2. Our friendship grew away from each other after we entered different universities in different cities.

3. In this ambitious world, people tend to grow away from morality.

grow away from的短语

1、 grow away from sb 翻译,与

2、 grow right away from

grow away from的例句

It's natural for children to grow away from their family.



The vine has begun to grow away from the wall.


Caleb would grow up and perhaps grow away from her-there was no Shared blood, and someday he would understand that.


The vine has begun to grow away from the wall.



It's natural for children to grow away from their family.
