
美 / gɪ'tɑ:fɪʃ / 英 / gɪ'tɑfɪʃ /

n. 犁头鳐(形似吉他)



Guitarfish, which is a member of the family Rhinobatidae, is a type of fish which has a body shape that looks similar to a guitar. It is a deep-sea fish and is usually found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Guitarfish has a unique, curved body shape. It is usually brownish-gray in color and has an “upper” and “lower” part. The upper part has a long snout and barbels, while the lower part looks like a guitar body. This gives it its name and makes it distinct from other members of its family.

Guitarfish is typically slow-moving and spends most of its time on the sea floor. It feeds on worms, crustaceans, and small fish. It is occasionally caught by fishermen and eaten as food.

In addition to being eaten, guitarfish has some medicinal properties. The teeth and skin of the species contain a substance called hydrocolloid, which has been used in the treatment of burns, ulcers, and skin infections.

Guitarfish has also been found to be a useful indicator of environmental health. Studies have shown that the population of these fish is in decline, likely due to overfishing and climate change. This makes it an important species to monitor in order to ensure the health of our oceans.



1、 ringstraked guitarfish 斑纹犁头鳐

2、 granulated guitarfish 颗粒犁头鳐

3、 guitarfish fins 鳐翅

4、 thornback guitarfish 团扇鳐

5、 olive guitarfish 哈氏颗粒犁头鳐

6、 brown guitarfish 许氏犁头鳐

7、 Taiwan guitarfish 台湾犁头鳐

8、 spotted guitarfish 及达尖犁头鳐

9、 bowmouth guitarfish 团犁头鳐