
美 / ˈherəʊɪn / 英 / ˈheroʊɪn /

n. 女英雄;女主角,女主人公;女偶像;(神话和传说中的)女超人

CET4 / CET6 考研

复数 heroines



An Explanation of the Usage of the English Word \"Heroine\"

Heroine is a noun in the English language that refers to a woman admired for her courage, achievements, or noble qualities. It can also refer to the main female character in a play, book, film, or other work of art.

In popular culture, the word “heroine” is often used to refer to a fictional female lead. Whether she is a protagonist or an antagonist, she is usually portrayed in a positive light and is often presented as an admirable character. Examples of heroines from recent times include Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and Rey from Star Wars. These female leads are well-developed characters that inspire and empower the audience.

The word “heroine” can also refer to a real-life woman who has achieved great things or inspired others to greatness. Examples of such women include Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, and Malala Yousafzai. These women have demonstrated courage, strength, and determination, and their stories are an inspiration to people of all genders and ages.

Finally, “heroine” can also refer to a woman in a leadership role in any field, such as politics, business, science, and education. Such women are recognized for their accomplishments and their contributions to society. Examples of such heroines include Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, and Michelle Obama.

In conclusion, “heroine” is a powerful word that can refer to both fictional characters and real-life women who have achieved greatness. It is used to recognize and celebrate the courage, strength, and determination of both fictional and real-life women who have made a positive difference in their respective fields.


1、 Heroine Anthem 圣女之歌

2、 cultural heroine 文化英雄

3、 You're my heroine 你是我的爱人啊

4、 the heroine 儿女英雄传,杨娥,红粉金刚

5、 Heroine Anthem Zero 圣女之歌零

6、 My Heroine 我的女主角,硬摇滚

7、 Heroine Carnival 乙女嘉年华


The heroine was marvelous.



My heroine was Elizabeth Taylor.



She was well fitted to the role of tragic heroine.



Phil is the heroine of Pittsburgh acrimonious television weather reports, and sloppy work.

主人公菲尔是尖酸刻薄的匹兹堡电视台气象报告员, 工作态度马虎.


While Alexandra Bergson, the heroine of the novel O Pioneers!



The heroine is a senior TV executive.



Madonna was her teenage heroine.



The heroine is played by Demi Moore.

