high-value company的意思

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high-value company的网络释义

商业中心区消防队 ... high-value district 商业中心区 high-value company 商业中心区消防队 High-value speech 高价值言论 ...

high-value company的例句

The company is founded with a vision to provided high quality and unique value added services to the Chinese online gaming market, specifically designed to the online game players and traders.


If the share value of a company is high, the motive may be to spot and acquire a firm with a low share value.


Let learners know that you and the company value and appreciate expertise and high levels of skill and competence.


Mr. Jin said that 'medium to high-end brands will turn out higher value added for the company' and help improve designs and competitiveness.


Ciba is a leading global company dedicated to producing high-value effects for its customers' products.


The value and the meaning of the research about the whole mobile phone interface design depended on the high attention degree of mobile phone in the company, the market and the customer.
