holy name的意思

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holy name的短语

1、 Holy Name Cathedral 芝加哥圣名主教座堂,圣名大教堂,美国

2、 Praise His Holy Name 赞美他圣名

3、 Praise Your Holy Name 齐来赞美

4、 Medicine Master Holy Name 南无药师佛诵

5、 Holy Name Society 圣名会

6、 Glory in his holy name 请你们以他的圣名为光荣

7、 My holy name is Maria 我的圣名是玛丽亚

8、 Bless His Holy Name 赞美祂圣名

holy name的例句

Sing to the Lord, you saints of his; praise his holy name.

4耶和华的圣民哪, 你们要歌颂他, 称赞他可记念的圣名.


Hail Him ! Hail him! Highest arch angels in glory and honor give to His holy name!

赞美! 赞美! 荣耀天使俯伏歌唱荣耀,尊贵,都归救主圣名!


Praise the LORD , O my soul; all my inmost being , praise his holy name.

我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华, 凡在我里面的, 也要称颂耶和华的圣名!


Let all within us praise his holy name.

