honourable a的意思

美 / / 英 / /


honourable a的网络释义

光荣的 ... homogeneous a.同类的,同族的;均匀的;同质的 honourable a.光荣的,荣誉的;可尊敬的 hook n.钩,钩状物v.钩住 ...

诚实的 ... honour n。光荣;尊敬,敬意 honourable a。诚实的;光荣的 hook n。钩,挂钩 vt。钩住 ...

可尊敬的 ... homogeneous a.同类的,同族的;均匀的;同质的 honourable a.光荣的,荣誉的;可尊敬的 hook n.钩,钩状物v.钩住 ...

honourable a的短语

1、 a honourable burial 隆重的葬礼

2、 A worthy is honourable 彦士可敬

honourable a的例句

That does not necessarily make them wrong: civil disobedience, against British rule in India, or against segregation in America, has a long, honourable history.


So all his subjects came to trust and respect him as a just and honourable king.


Through all the adversities, Dad studied very hard and persevered. He went on to become a successful lawyer who is known among his colleagues as an honourable man.


Even people who do not agree with his policies seem at least somewhat willing to accept that as a person, Mr Cameron is decent and broadly honourable.


Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.


Another honourable mention - titled Surface - is a watch phone for the blind and features a Braille keypad and a unique shape, so you can distinguish orientation of the phone by feel.
