house of commons的意思

美 / / 英 / /


house of commons的网络释义

英国下议院 英国下议院(House of Commons)的每位议员年薪约为6万3千英镑,与大致同等的专业人士,比如校长、总警司等相比,可以说偏低了。

下议院 在加拿大下议院(House of Commons)就是否认可巴黎气候公约并在2030年之前将温室气体排放从2005年水平降低30%的问题进行一番辩论后,Trudeau表示各省和各行政区划要...

平民院 ...士的代表一起开会,后来分成两院,上院称“贵族院”(House of Lords)由贵族和教士组成,下院为“平民院”(House of Commons)主要是骑士和市民的代表。

house of commons的短语

1、 the House of Commons 议会下院 ; 下议院 ; 众议院 ; 英国下院

2、 House of Commons Treasury Committee 英国下议院库务委员会

3、 the e House of Commons 下议院

house of commons的例句

Not for nothing is the speaker of the House of Commons ritually dragged unwillingly to his chair.


The House of Commons is also set to shrink from 650 to 600 seats, and almost every constituency will have new boundaries.


She was the first woman from Quebec elected to the House of Commons.


The latest disclosures were made in the House of Commons on July 7th.


Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had toget there but no one could take him.


Each constituency elects one member of the House of Commons.
