human resource accounting的意思

美 / ˈhju:mən riˈsɔ:s əˈkaʊntɪŋ / 英 / ˈhjumən ˈriˌsɔrs əˈkaʊntɪŋ /


human resource accounting的用法讲解

Human resource accounting refers to the measurement and assessment of the value of employee resources within a company. It is also known as \"human capital accounting\" or \"people accounting\". It includes both financial and non-financial methods for measuring and valuing the economic value of a company's employees.

Human resource accounting involves assessing and determining the economic value of employee-related assets, such as skills and knowledge, that are not explicitly identified on a company's balance sheet. It is important for a company to have an accurate understanding of the human capital that it possesses. This understanding can provide insight into the potential profit of a business and its ability to compete in the marketplace.

Examples of human resource accounting include calculating employee salary costs, tracking employee turnover, estimating the value of training and development investments, assessing the value of an employee's intellectual property, and measuring the value of an employee's network of contacts.

Human resource accounting can help a company to make better decisions regarding investing in its human capital. Companies that make use of human resource accounting are better able to assess and measure their human capital investments, identify any potential areas of improvement, and develop strategies to increase the value of their workforce.

Human resource accounting is not just limited to private companies. Governments also use human resource accounting to assess and evaluate the value of their workforce. This information can help governments to better plan their budgets and allocate resources in order to optimize human capital investments.

In conclusion, human resource accounting is an important and useful tool that can help companies and governments measure and evaluate their human capital investments. By accurately assessing the value of their employees, companies and governments can make better decisions about how to use their resources and maximize their potential profits.

human resource accounting的短语

1、 human resource accounting predict function 人力资源会计预测职能

2、 On the human resource accounting 对人力资源会计,浅谈人力资源会计

3、 Discussion on human resource accounting 浅谈人力资源会计

4、 the human resource accounting 人力资源会计

5、 taught about human resource accounting 浅谈人力资源会计

6、 Human Resource Accounting Research 人力资源会计研究

human resource accounting的例句

At last, discuss the certainty of implement of the human resource accounting in our country.

最后, 论述了我国实施人力资源会计的必然性.


The coming of the knowledge economy time develops the human resource accounting.



In the early days human resource accounting only emphasis on reflecting the information of human resource.



Human resource accounting framework for the concept of building their own views.



Meanwhile, the situation and issue of the Chinese human resource accounting shall be analyzed.



Human resource accounting; human resource cost; human resource value; compensative value; surplus value.

人力资源会计; 人力资源成本; 人力资源价值; 补偿价值; 剩余价值.
