human society的意思

美 / ˈhju:mən səˈsaiəti / 英 / ˈhjumən səˈsaɪɪti /


human society的用法讲解

Human society is a complex system of relationships. In the English language, \"society\" refers to a group of people living together in a particular area, with a distinct way of life. It can also refer to any group of people sharing a set of beliefs, values, and customs.

When used in a more general sense, \"society\" can refer to all of humanity, as in the phrase \"human society.\" This phrase can be used to describe the collective group of people living in a given area, nation or world. It can also be used to refer to the larger social, economic and political institutions which govern human lives.

The phrase \"human society\" can also refer to the collective set of social structures, regulations, customs, and institutions which help to shape the lives and behavior of people within a given society. These structures include laws, government policies, educational systems, religious organizations, economic systems, and other systems of organization and control.

In addition to its more general sense, the phrase \"human society\" can be used to refer to the collective set of shared beliefs, values and customs which exist within a given society. This includes the culture, language, and traditions which are held in common among those living within a particular area or nation.

Finally, \"human society\" can also be used to refer to the collective set of relationships and behaviors which people within a given society take part in. This includes interpersonal relationships, as well as the ways in which people interact and cooperate with each other to achieve common goals.

In conclusion, the phrase \"human society\" is used to refer to a variety of different aspects, including all of humanity, social and political structures, shared beliefs and values, and collective relationships and behaviors. By understanding the various meanings of \"human society,\" we can gain a better understanding of the social, political, and economic context in which we all live.

human society的短语

1、 stupendous changes in human society 人类社会沧桑巨变

2、 beauty of human society 人类社会美

3、 Roll human society 滚滚红尘,陈淑桦

4、 Studies In Human Society 人文社科研究,人类社会研究,人类科学

5、 City human society 都市红尘

6、 break away from human society 脱离红尘,脱离人类社会,人类社会摆脱不了

7、 Modern human society 现代人类社会

8、 Mocking the Human Society 笑红尘

9、 Other Studies In Human Society 其他人文社科专业

human society的例句

The protagonist, wolf child Mogli hovered between the wolf and human society.



This kind of religious organization is to be found nowhere else in human society.



If murder might be pardoned ; there would be no reasonin the human society.



The human society comes into a new century and the international communication becomes increasingly frequent.



Research has played a crucial role in the evolution of human society andhasmore and more manifest.



Millstones - The mutual converse of human society.

