
美 / hjuːˈmɪlieɪt / 英 / hjuːˈmɪlieɪt /

v. 羞辱,使蒙羞

CET6 / 考研 / GRE SAT

第三人称单数 humiliates 现在分词 humiliating 过去式 humiliated 过去分词 humiliated


Humiliate is an English verb with the meaning of making someone feel ashamed, insulted and embarrassed. It is often used to describe situations where someone’s pride is damaged, and it can range from mild to extreme.

The most common usage of the word is to describe someone openly embarrassing or belittling another person. For example, if a teacher humiliates a student in front of the entire class, this means the teacher has said or done something embarrassing or insulting to the student which caused them to feel ashamed.

The word can also be used to describe more subtle situations, such as when an individual says or does something to imply negative feelings about another person. This can include gossiping, spreading rumors, or even ignoring someone or treating them in a dismissive manner.

Humiliation can also be physical in nature, such as when someone is punished or forced to do something embarrassing by another person. It’s important to note that the person doing the humiliating does not necessarily need to be the direct victim. For example, if a parent forces their child to apologize to another person, that could be considered a form of humiliation even if the other person is not actually present to witness it.

Finally, it’s also important to note that humiliation does not need to be intentional in order for it to be considered as such. If someone says or does something which unintentionally causes another person to feel embarrassed, insulted or ashamed, then it can still be considered as an act of humiliation.

In summary, the word “humiliate” is used to describe any situation where an individual intentionally or unintentionally causes another person to feel embarrassed, insulted or ashamed.


1、 bully and humiliate 欺凌

2、 humiliate local culture 对文化的侮辱

3、 humiliate e 羞辱,使蒙羞,使丢脸

4、 humiliate me 羞辱我,侮辱我

5、 humiliate insult 损害别人的自尊心

6、 Let me humiliate you 让我好好欺负你

7、 I will not humiliate you 我也不会羞辱你

8、 Humiliate me more Darlin 黑执事同人


I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.



You asked me to do this down the team leader, a deliberate attempt to humiliate me?

请我做你们这种下流团队的头目, 是故意来羞辱我的 吗 ?


"You see," said Hughes, "there's people who want to humiliate you and grind you down."

“你看,” 休斯说,“有人想羞辱你、折磨你。”


Though I at defeating you, Should I succeed, I will not humiliate you.

虽然我立志要击败你,但是, 假如我成功, 我不会令你难堪.


Don't humiliate his intelligence, that just like in mercy killing.

不要侮辱了他的智慧, 那无异于慈悲杀人.


And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed, I would not humiliate you.

虽然我的目标是击败你, 若取得成功, 我不会羞辱你.


Alas, person, is like this, torment the oneself in dissatisfied foot , humiliate the oneself!

唉, 人, 就是这样, 在不满足中折磨着自己, 作践着自己!


I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.

