in perfect field的意思

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in perfect field的网络释义

不完全域 泛函分析专业英语词汇翻译 ... 修正谱 innovation spectrum 不完全域 inperfect field 内极点;内极(二次曲线) inpolar (conic) ...

in perfect field的例句

This perfect visual ability gives it a 360 degree field of vision, unique in the natural world.


This paper presented the flow field analysis in centrifugal impellers compressing perfect and real gases respectively.


But if you're afraid to smile because of the less than perfect condition of your teeth, you may be interested in the emergence of the new field of cosmetic dentistry.


This system describes how to carry out the clothing brand strategy in the field, and how to perfect and promote the clothing brand.


Constantiy improve and perfect their skills in the field of industry management.


The sharp market insight and perfect marketing network system of jiamei enterprise help us always take the lead in the field of engeering hardware.
