in the HIV virus的意思

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in the HIV virus的网络释义

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in the HIV virus的例句

A drug that stops the HIV virus from stitching itself into human chromosomes is found to fight AIDS in an animal study.


Mortality trends were estimated separately for people with and without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in accordance with the International classification of diseases.


The most dramatic example came two years ago when a group of researchers reported finding a mouse-related virus called XMRV, a pathogen in the same family as HIV, which causes AIDS.


THE human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1, the cause of the global AIDS epidemic, is the most intensively studied pathogen in history.


That changed in October 1992, during a trip to the Amazon with Robert Gallo, the us biomedical researcher credited with co-discovering the HIV virus.

1992年10月,在一次和被公认为HIV病毒发现者之一的美国生物医学研究员Robert Gallo去亚马逊的途中,事情发生了改变。

To investigate the relationships between the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and underlying structural factors of poverty and wealth in several African countries.
