in the past year的意思

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in the past year的网络释义

去年 ... impression 投放次数,网页被访问的次数 in the past year 去年 individual 特别的、个别的 ...

上年 ... IMPRESSION 投搁来数,网页被拜候的来数 in the past year 上年 income 发损状态 ...

在过去的一年 ... 人过去的情形 he was 父母过去的生活 My Parents' past life 在过去的一年 in the past year ...

在过去的一年中 ... past year去年 in the past year在过去的一年中 over the past decade在过去的十年里 ...

in the past year的短语

1、 In the past 1 year 在过去的1年

in the past year的例句

In the past year they all have sent friendly signals to Syria.


Prices have gained 90 per cent in the past year.


Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year.


Morocco, Moldova and Macedonia improved the most in the past year.


Intel's share price has dropped around a third in the past year.


In the past year we have received many feature requests.
