in the pot的意思

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in the pot的网络释义

醉了 ... melting pot坩埚,熔化锅;镕炉(借指同化许多种族,人物的国家或都市) in the pot醉了 coffee pot咖啡壶 ...

翻译 ... installation and overhaul specification翻译 【化】 安装及检修规范 in the pot翻译 醉了 inrush翻译 *['inrʌʃ] n. 侵入, 闯入, 流入 ...

in the pot的短语

1、 death in the pot 隐蔽的危险 ; 翻译

2、 Water in the pot 罐子里的水

3、 While In The Pot 而在锅

in the pot的例句

Take out the food from the refrigerator, the first to be cooked in the pot to eat, overnight food or leftover milk, should be avoided once again let the baby eat.


So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot.

4:40 倒出来给众人吃,吃的时候,都喊叫说,神人哪,锅中有致死的毒物。

The cooked soybeans are smashed in the pot.


Is there any tea in the pot?


What's in the pot?


Never leave clay or very compact soil in the pot.
