in the pouring rain的意思

美 / / 英 / /


in the pouring rain的网络释义

在倾盆大雨之下 泼冷水,使气馁 in the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨之下 pour it on [美国英语] , ◎大肆吹捧 , ◎加油(卖力)干 , ◎(比赛中)在稳操胜券后继续得分 , ◎飞快前进;赶紧 ..

in the pouring rain的短语

1、 Walking in the pouring rain 在倾盆大雨中向我走来

2、 In the Cold Pouring Rain 西北雨直直落

in the pouring rain的例句

Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun.


Suddenly a woman comes up to me and stops me, right in the pouring rain.


A police sniper finally managed to kill Mendoza, bringing the crisis to an end. Dead and injured hostages were removed to ambulances in a pouring rain.


To police in a New Jersey seaside town, the rock legend Bob Dylan was merely an eccentric pensioner wandering the streets in the pouring rain.

对新泽西州一个海边小镇的警察来说,摇滚史上的传奇人物鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)只不过是个在倾盆大雨中漫步街头的行为古怪的老人。

Police and ambulances were lined up next to the vehicle in the pouring rain after the standoff ended.


On a recent morning, one group was stationed in the hallway singing “Frère Jacques” in Mandarin; in a classroom, another group was imitating the sound of rain on a giant drum (it was pouring outside).
