industry and commerce的意思

美 / / 英 / /

[经] 工商业

industry and commerce的网络释义

工商 多伦多固然是加拿大最大、最宽裕的金融和工商(Industry and commerce)中央,可是在最新一期理财(Money)杂志(Magazine)(MoneySense)的全加都会相宜栖身排名榜上,多伦多的名次跌出前十名以外。

第二部分 ... 第一部分 价格与市场 PRICES AND MARKETS 第二部分 工业与商业 INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE 第三部分 劳动与报酬 WORK AND PAY ...

industry and commerce的短语

1、 ministry of industry and commerce 工商部

2、 unified industry and commerce tax 统一工商税

3、 Administration for Industry and Commerce 工商行政管理局 ; 工商行政管理 ; 工商行政管理总局 ; 工商行政

industry and commerce的例句

Other enterprises as legal persons, by the city, County Administration for Industry and Commerce approved the registration.


Fees to be charged on making changes in the registration and conducting the annual check-up shall be prescribed by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.


Without the operating license or industry and commerce registration, no entity or individual may operate or market hazardous chemicals.


These Regulations shall be interpreted by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

第二十一条 本条例由国家工商行政管理局负责解释;

2 piece of original rent contract. (industry and commerce bureau and tax office)


Hu Dehan was appointed Inspector of Chongqing Administration for Industry and Commerce. (2009.09.27).
