information depth的意思

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information depth的网络释义

信息深度 ...度 电子衰减长度可用来估计出射电子在固体中的逸出深度(escape depth), 用来估计表面电子谱中的信息深度(information depth) 12

information depth的短语

1、 mean information depth 平均信息深度

2、 depth information 深度信息 ; 深度资讯 ; 翻译

3、 three-dimensional depth information 三维层次信息

information depth的例句

The industry networks Web site provides more in-depth information on what it means to develop for, as well as become, an on Demand Business.


Thus, the relevant information can be obtained only by in-depth analysis of massive amounts of data and existing artifacts.


Throughout most of the history of the tsunami warning system, the warnings were based purely on the earthquake information-our best guess for the magnitude, location and depth.


A depth of 1 saves the page, including its graphics and style information.


If you're adventurous enough to rummage through the PEPs, you can find more in-depth information there.


But as for actually fixing the error, and getting in-depth information from the parser?
