initial period的意思

美 / iˈniʃəl ˈpiəriəd / 英 / ɪˈnɪʃəl ˈpɪriəd /


initial period的用法讲解

英语单词\"initial period\"的用法讲解

\"Initial period\"这个词组是指一段时间的开始阶段,通常用于描述一个项目、计划或关系的初始阶段。下面是一些例子,可以更好地理解这个词组的用法。

1. We're just in the initial period of our new marketing campaign, but we're already seeing positive results.(我们的新营销活动还处于初始阶段,但我们已经看到了积极的结果。)

2. During the initial period of a romantic relationship, it's important to take things slow and get to know each other.(在恋爱关系的初始阶段,重要的是要缓慢发展,逐渐了解对方。)

3. The initial period of a new job can be challenging, but with time you'll get the hang of things.(新工作的起始阶段可能会有些困难,但是随着时间的推移,你会逐渐熟悉起来。)

此外,\"initial period\"也可以指生理周期中的开始阶段,例如女性月经周期中的第一天被称为\"initial period\"。

以上是\"initial period\"的用法讲解,希望能对你有所帮助。

initial period的短语

1、 During initial period 在初期

2、 initial period of use 初用期

3、 The 19th century initial period 十九世纪初期

4、 During The Initial Period 在初始阶段

5、 in the initial period 成立初期

6、 initial period of china 建国初期

7、 growth in initial period 生长初期阶段

8、 initial period of storage 贮藏前期

9、 initial period water storage 初期蓄水

initial period的例句

The company constructs the initial period, is mainly engaged in the device management and personnel's training.

公司主要生产冷轧不锈钢板.公司建设初期, 主要从事设备管理和人员的培训.


Actually because many semester initial period to the rule did not understand causes mistake.



In initial period of Northern Yuan, still took KaraKorum as capital.

北元初期, 仍以哈剌和林为都.


The first few days can be rough, but, after that initial period, people find freedom.

最初几天你可能非常难受, 但是一旦过了开始的阶段, 你就会感觉自在多了.


After the initial period of infection, these viruses enter a dormant state known as latency.

初期感染之后, 这些病毒进入潜伏期的休眠状态.


After the pedicle, was cut, the flap and bone flap survived in the initial period.

