
美 / ˈɪnəsnt / 英 / ˈɪnəsnt /

adj. 天真的,幼稚的;清白的,无罪的;无辜受害的;没有恶意的,无冒犯之意的

n. 天真无邪的人,幼稚的人;无辜的受害者(尤指犯罪或战争的受害者)

【名】 (Innocent)(英、西)因诺森特,(法)伊诺桑(人名)

高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS TOEFL

复数 innocents 比较级 more innocent 最高级 most innocent


The word \"innocent\" has multiple meanings within the English language. Generally, it is used to mean \"blameless\" or \"not guilty of a crime or offense.\" It is also used to describe someone who is naïve, pure, or a newcomer to something.

Examples of usage related to being ‘not guilty of a crime’ include:

1) The jury found the defendant innocent

2) He was found innocent of all charges

3) She is innocent of any wrongdoing

Examples of usage related to ‘naïve, pure, or a newcomer’ include:

1) Her innocent face belied her true feelings

2) The naive and innocent students were easily taken advantage of

3) The innocent traveler was unaware of the local customs

In some rare cases, \"innocent\" can also be used to mean \"harmless,\" as in \"the innocent rabbit.\"

Overall, \"innocent\" has multiple meanings and can be used to describe someone who is either not guilty of a crime, or someone who is naïve, pure, or a newcomer to something.


1、 innocent of 无罪的,清白的

2、 innocent blood 无辜人的血;无辜之血;不死的传说(美国恐怖戏剧爱情片)

3、 innocent party 无过失之一方;无辜的一方


I'm not quite so innocent as to believe that.



I was very young, and very innocent.

我那时非常年轻, 幼稚无知.


It was all innocent fun.



In the war countless innocent people lost their lives.



You may think it an innocent joke to drive away another person's car but in the eyes of the law it is theft.



It was a perfectly innocent remark.



I'm convinced that she's innocent.



The accused was found innocent.

