intent upon的意思

美 / inˈtent əˈpɔn / 英 / ɪnˈtɛnt əˈpɑn /


intent upon的用法讲解

英语单词“intent upon”的用法讲解

“Intent upon”是一个英语短语,意为“专注于”、“全神贯注于”。该短语通常用于描述某人对某件事情非常专注的状态,即没有被其他事情所分散注意力。下面是一些使用“intent upon”的例句:

1. He was intent upon finishing his work before leaving the office.


2. Sarah was intent upon listening to the music and didn't notice anyone had entered the room.


3. The children were intent upon playing video games and didn't want to go out and play in the sun.


注意,“intent upon”通常要结合一个动词使用,例如:working、listening、playing等等。该短语也可以被替换为其他短语,如:focused on、concentrated on等等,但它们的意思和“intent upon”是相同的。

总之,“intent upon”是一个表达人们精神状态的有用短语,能够帮助我们更准确地描述某人的行为和态度。

intent upon的短语

1、 be intent upon his work 一心一意工作

2、 be intent upon her work 一心一意工作

3、 be intent upon our work 一心一意工作

4、 be intent upon your work 一心一意工作

5、 be intent upon their work 一心一意工作

6、 Intent upon her destined course 她的路途似乎有种淡定

7、 intent onintent upon 决心实行

intent upon的例句

But everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them.

可是大家都在谈话, 一心关注的是眼前的这个惨状.

英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

Looking round as I resumed my seat, I found both the brothers intent upon me. "

我回到座位上回头一看, 两弟兄都在注视着我. ”

英汉文学 - 双城记

They were so intent upon getting somewhere.


英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹

In serving one's prince , on should be: intent upon the task, not bent upon the pay.

事君, 敬其事而后其食.


He's intent upon revenge.

