internationalization strategy的意思

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internationalization strategy的网络释义

国际化计谋 国际货币基金构造 IMF (InternationalMonetary Fund) 国际化计谋 internationalization strategy 国际制止化学兵器构造 organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) ..

的翻译是国际化战略 accelerate internationali... ... internationalization of capital 的翻译是:资本的国际化 [翻译] internationalization strategy 的翻译是:国际化战略 [翻译] accelerate internationalization 的翻译是:加速国际化 [翻译] ...

internationalization strategy的短语

1、 Company internationalization strategy of space 公司空间的国际化战略

2、 Brand Internationalization strategy 品牌国际化战略

3、 Executive Internationalization Strategy 实施国际化战略

internationalization strategy的例句

A systematic elaboration was conducted of the background, process, measures and achievements of Chenming Papers implementation of internationalization strategy.


International market entry mode choice is not only one key part of enterprise's internationalization strategy, but also one important research field of international business.


In this strategy, the core is brand localization. Through the co-effort of fast reaction and development of culture ingredient, the difficulty on the way to internationalization can be minimized.


Changhong Group, as a famous company in China, started its internationalization strategy earlier than the others and got hold of much success and failure experience.


Then the thesis compares internationalization strategy of international brand design with domestics.


It is an important internationalization strategy that Lenovo Group merged with the personal computer department of IBM.
