intestinal cancer的意思

美 / ɪnˈtestənəl ˈkænsə / 英 / ɪnˈtɛstənəl ˈkænsɚ /


intestinal cancer的用法讲解

英语单词intestinal cancer的用法讲解

Intestinal cancer(肠癌)是一种恶性肿瘤,通常发生在小肠、大肠、直肠等消化道部位。肠癌是一种常见的癌症,其症状包括肠道出血、腹痛、腹泻等,严重时会引发消瘦和贫血。

在英语中,intestinal cancer是一种常用的医学术语。除此之外,肠癌在英语中也被称为bowel cancer、colon cancer和rectal cancer等。在口语中,人们通常用这些词来讨论与肠癌有关的问题。

例如,有人可能会问:“Do you know anyone who has been diagnosed with intestinal cancer?”(你认识被诊断患有肠癌的人吗?) 或者,“What are the symptoms of colon cancer?”(结肠癌的症状是什么?)

另外,由于肠癌的发生可能与饮食、生活习惯等因素有关,因此在英语中也存在许多与预防肠癌相关的词汇,如healthful diet、physical exercise等。

总之,intestinal cancer是一个重要的医学术语,它涉及到肠癌这一严重的健康问题。在生活和工作中,了解相关的英语单词和表达方式,有助于更好地沟通和交流。

intestinal cancer的短语

1、 larger intestinal cancer 大肠癌

2、 gastro intestinal cancer 肿瘤标记物

3、 gastric intestinal cancer 胃肠癌

4、 postoperative intestinal cancer 肠癌术后

5、 Low large intestinal cancer 低位大肠癌

6、 gastric or intestinal cancer 胃癌和肠癌

7、 gastric and intestinal cancer 胃肠道癌

8、 large intestinal cancer therapy 大肠癌治疗

9、 Left semi-large intestinal cancer 左半大肠癌

intestinal cancer的例句

Coping style of sufferers from intestinal cancer is an important research factor of this research.


Objective To evaluate the principle and method of surgical treatment of acute intestine intestinal cancer.



Objective: to study the inducing effects of serum containing wenxia recipe to cell apoptosis intestinal cancer.

目的: 探讨温下方含药血清对肠癌细胞的诱导凋亡作用.


Objective To study the expressions of p 16 , cyclinD 1 , CDK 4 and anal - yse their significances in large intestinal cancer.

目的研究大肠癌组织中多肿瘤抑制蛋白(p16) 、 细胞周期蛋白(cyclinD1)及细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(CDK4)的表达及其意义.


AIMS To study the large intestinal cancer clinico_pathologically in western Hunan.


Effect such as brain tumor , cervical cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the stomach, neuroblastoma intestinal cancer.

脑瘤, 宫颈癌, 肺癌, 胃癌, 神经母细胞瘤等效果很好.


Objective : To understand DCC gene status between primary and liver metastatic lesions of large intestinal cancer.

目的: 了解DCC基因在大肠癌复发、转移过程中的变化及其与肝转移的关系.


Overweight increases significantly the risk of heart attack, stroke, intestinal cancer, and type-2 diabetes.
