job satisfaction survey的意思

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job satisfaction survey的网络释义

工作满意度调查 工作满意度调查(Job satisfaction survey)是员工报告他们对工作和工作环境感受的程序。个体的回答则被综合起来进行分析。

工作满意度调查问卷 研究所用的工作满意度量表直接采用国外成熟量表,Spector (1985)年编制的工作满意度调查问卷(Job Satisfaction Survey),量表的最终测量信度和效度等问题将在第3章专门论述。

量表 其中,工作满意度使用斯佩克特编制的工作满意度调查量表(Job Satisfaction Survey)测得【loJ。该问卷通过36道题描述了工作的九个方面(包括报酬、晋升、管理者、利益、偶然奖励、操作程序、同事、工作本身和交际),...

工作满意度量表 ...制和非编制)进行调查,纳入标准为从事临床工作1年以上且自愿参与的医生。运用一般问卷、工作满意度量表(Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS)及离职意愿量表进行调查。采用SPSS13.0统计软件对资料的构成比、均数和标准差进行描述性分析、两样本t检验、单因素方差分析...

job satisfaction survey的例句

By a survey of 317 teachers, the present study established the structure model of the influencing factors in teachers' job satisfaction.


The questionnaire survey has been done among 233 employees about the job satisfaction, turnover tempatation, and the locus of control.


Results:1) Designs a test scale about job satisfaction which consists of 76 items by making survey and logical analysis of the test scale and its result.


The relation among job satisfaction, stress level and self-efficacy of safety staff in coalmine was investigated by a questionnaire survey conducted to 43 employees in a state-owned coalmine.


The findings for urban residents were mirrored in their rural counterparts, with job satisfaction, concerns over the economy and social welfare at their worst in four years, according to the survey.


Job satisfaction held steady for workers in 2009, but pessimism and desperation plague many job seekers who remain grim about prospects for the job market in 2010, according to a new survey.
