judge by appearances的意思

美 / / 英 / /


judge by appearances的网络释义

以貌取人 ... steal off 偷去,拿跑 ⑻ judge v. 判断;审理 judge by appearances 以貌取人 ...

judge by appearances的短语

1、 Never judge by appearances 人不可貌相 ; 切莫以貌取人 ; 勿以貌取人

2、 don't judge by appearances 不以貌取人 ; 不露面的法官 ; 不要以貌取人 ; 人不可貌相

3、 Dou not judge by appearances 窦不以貌取人 ; 窦智孔不露面的法官 ; 斗不以貌取人 ; 不是窦法官由出现

judge by appearances的例句

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances.


Appearances certainly count. Women, for instance, judge men by their faces.


Don't judge by appearances.


He knows better than to judge by appearances.


Do not judge by appearances .


Even a modest amount of restoration would make these great buildings more inviting to children, who are often the first people to judge by appearances and the last to pick up a book outside of school.
