know all the answers的意思

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know all the answers的网络释义

自命不凡 ... answer back应答,回复;顶嘴 know all the answers见多识广;自命不凡;好象什么都知道的样子 soft answer温和的回答;轻轻的回答;委婉的回答 ...

好象什么都知道的样子 好象什么都知道的样子(know all the answers), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

见多识广 ... answer back 应答,回复;顶嘴 know all the answers 见多识广;自命不凡;好象什么都知道的样子 soft answer 温和的回答;轻轻的回答;委婉的回答 ...

好象什么都知道 know all the answers 好像什么都知道的样子; 好象什么都知道 money answers all things 金钱是万能的 ..

know all the answers的短语

1、 know w all the answers 意为“精通一切

know all the answers的例句

You know, nobody has all the answers. We have to work together in ways that can discover new answers that will be effective in dealing with this global threat.


OK, wise guy. If you know all the answers, tell me how I can write a letter without paper.


"I don't know," she answers, then switches to Mandarin. "From far away, pigeons all look the same to me."


Nature may well know all the answers, but science has yet to prove its theories. It seems Stonehenge isn "t ready to reveal all its secrets just yet."


Stop thinking too much, it's normal not to know all the answers.


We don't know all the answers yet, but we will.
