korea times的意思

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korea times的网络释义

英文韩国时报 据英文韩国时报(Korea Times)表示,三星显示器公司(Samsung Disply)的通讯长沈宰夫(Shim Jae-boo)在公司办公室简报指出:「这令人忍无可忍。

韩国日报 Fast Company引述韩国日报(The Korea Times)的报道说,苹果与Korea Telecom“已达成广泛的共识,将..

korea times的短语

1、 The Korea Times 韩国时报 ; 英文网站 ; 韩国日报 ; 韩国时代

2、 Pocari Korea Times Open 宝矿力韩国时代公开赛

3、 In the Korea times 在韩国的时候

korea times的例句

It has been over thirty years since the antitrust law of South Korea came into effect, during which this law has been greatly amended for thirteen times.


Of course, I won't crazy world after he ran, but I later will then have a couple of times to South Korea feeling in his country.


And he has been listed "Shenzhen Experts Dictionary" and invited to Korea, Japan, French carry through learning exchange times without number.


Rates of breast cancer in Japan, Singapore and South Korea are now three times what they were forty years ago.


The Korea Times reports that Mrs Cha sells food and household items door to door at apartment complexes.


It's running a two-week campaign calling on Koreans and foreigners alike to keep their eyes peeled for mistakes in English, Japanese and Chinese text, the Korea Times reports.
