
美 / / 英 / /

n. 陆地,地面;土地(尤指耕地或建筑用地);地产,地皮;农耕,农村生活;国度,国土;想象(或虚构)的地方;(枪炮)阳膛线

v. 着陆,降落;使(飞机)平稳着陆;登陆,上岸;(从船或飞机上)卸下(货物);落下,跌落;<非正式>使陷入(困境);<非正式>(令人不快的事)突然出现;<非正式>(尤指轻而易举或意外地)获得;打中(一拳)

【名】 (Land)(英、德、葡、瑞典)兰德(人名)

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 商务英语

复数 lands 第三人称单数 lands 现在分词 landing 过去式 landed 过去分词 landed


Land, as a noun, is a term used to refer to a variety of geographic features, including continents, countries, cities, and large tracts of land used for farming or housing. The term is also used to refer to the soil or terrain within a particular area.

Land can also be used to refer to the property or land owned by an individual, group, or company. Landowners are granted certain rights, such as the right to use the land as they see fit, as long as they adhere to local regulations and zoning laws. Land can also refer to the surface of a place, such as ocean, lake, or forest floor.

Another use of the term is when it is used to refer to a type of business or industry that is involved in the acquisition and management of land. This includes real estate, land development, and land management companies.

Finally, land can also be used as a verb, meaning to arrive at a location or to come to a stop. For example, \"The plane landed at the airport.\"


1、 land use 土地利用,土地用途;土地使用,土壤使用

2、 on land 在陆地上

3、 cultivated land 耕地

4、 land management 土地管理

5、 land resource 土地资源

6、 land development 土地开发;土地发展;土地建设

7、 land area 陆地区域;合模面面积;接触面积

8、 land utilization 土地利用

9、 on the land 在陆地上

10、 land system 土地制度;土地系统

11、 land on 猛烈抨击;(飞机)降落于…

12、 land acquisition 土地征用

13、 arable land 耕地;可耕土地

14、 dry land 旱地

15、 land use planning 土地利用规划,土地利用计划

16、 land reclamation 土地开垦;土地改良;开垦荒地

17、 land ownership 土地拥有权;土地业权

18、 land surface 地面,地表;焊盘表面;合模面面积

19、 by land 由陆路

20、 land expropriation 土地征收,土地征用


His land abuts onto a road.



They finally lost sight of land.

