leadership science的意思

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leadership science的网络释义

领导科学 刊名: 领导科学(Leadership Science) 主办: 河南省社会科学界联合会

领导学 Leadership Science 领导科学 ; 带领科学 ; 领导学 ; 茶文化点滴 Leadership skill 领导能力 ; 领导技巧 ; 领导技能 ; 领导艺术 transactional leadership 交易型领导 ; 交易领导 ;...

毛遂现象”与马谡的悲剧 ... 千军易得一将难求--张松茂《三顾茅庐》雪景瓷板画评介 [景德镇陶瓷 Jingdezhen's Ceramics] “毛遂现象”与马谡的悲剧 [领导科学 Leadership Science] 逍遥鸡、曹操鸡 [食品与健康 Food and health] ...

leadership science的短语

1、 system of leadership science 领导科学体系

2、 Agricultural Leadership & Science Education 农业领导与科学教育

3、 Science of Leadership 领导科学

leadership science的例句

Second, , each work assigned by the leadership, prioritize, and science to arrange a time, on time, quality and quantity to complete the task.

二是领导交办的每一项工作,分清轻重缓急,科学安排时间,按时、按质、按量完成任务。 。

AB SCIEX is uniquely positioned to continue its global leadership in the mass spectrometry and separation science markets, building on a more than 40-year history of innovation.

AB SCIEX公司拥有40余年辉煌的技术创新历史,是唯一且持续专注于质谱和分离科学仪器的全球领导者。

Schools have to be increasingly conscious of expecting that girls will play sports, take on leadership opportunities, chair science groups, do math.

学校应该 越来越意识到女孩要参加体育运动,要 有机会成为领导者,做科学 兴趣小组的组长,学数学。

Under Lewen's leadership, the Prison University Project has expanded, now offering 20 classes in English, math, the humanities, social science and Spanish.


Majors: Educational Administration and Leadership, Library Science, English as a Second Language, Guidance.


Study the Art and Science of Managing Salespeople: There are hundreds of books available on managing sales teams and leadership in general.
