leap of faith的意思

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leap of faith的网络释义

信仰之跃 ” 说起《刺客信条》,不得不提的便是“信仰之跃” 信仰之跃(Leap of Faith)指在刺客信条中...

天降神迹 ...的冲击下 连起来就是我的信心在这次灾难的冲击下差点就结束了 出自百老汇即将在洛杉矶试演的音乐剧《天降神迹》(Leap of Faith) 是的。

信心的跳跃 祈克果强调信仰并非如此,信仰是一个信心的跳跃(leap of faith),信仰是对上帝完全的投入,虽然你不了解。亚伯拉罕献以撒就将信仰表明出来。

信仰的飞跃 信仰的飞跃 ( leap of faith ): 克尔凯郭尔的用语。他认为一个人不可能证明他所信仰的东西。

leap of faith的短语

1、 A Leap of Faith 飞跃的信心 ; 信任度的提高 ; 信仰之跃

2、 take a leap of faith 信心剧增 ; 狮子座走出信任的一步

3、 Leap of faith 6 信仰

leap of faith的例句

"My involvement was a leap of faith," Axelrod said.


There are times when we just have to take a leap of faith.


In fact, you are already practicing this leap of faith when you use built-in functions.


Don't you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret.


It is the leap of faith.


The beauty of architecture is that, it's a leap of faith, but a very laborious leap of faith.
